Returning to Work – Here’s How We’re Handling It

As things are changing in South Carolina and other states around the country, ICAP is returning to work soon. I know this may not apply to other companies, but I wanted to pass some data along and let you know what ICAP’s roadmap is.

We’re doing a few things to promote customer and team member health, safety, and security:

Create opportunities for intentional contact and communication.

We’re doing town halls or all-hands meetings every four weeks to lay eyes on everyone as well as discuss the trajectory of the company how the virus is or is not affecting us. Fortunately, we have not had to make any cuts and we feel extremely blessed because we know lots of organizations who haven’t been that lucky. We also send quarterly care packages to our consultants and team members. I don’t think ICAP ever considered facemasks were ever going to be part of our care package, but #COVID19. Our consultant advocate, Tracie Eckenstein, also communicates bi-weekly with each consultant to check in and update the company on their ongoing needs and challenges.

Communicate as plans change.

When our CEO and leadership team sent our internal team to work from home, the assumption around the office was that all of us would be home for no more than 4 weeks. Our expectations were off, clearly. We’ve gathered data around going back to work as well as working from home. One of the things we’ve found is that our team members need communication in order to not make up stories about what’s happening.

Adapt to the changing structure of the business.

Simon Sinek talks about knowing and pivoting from your WHY. At ICAP, we’re examining our business to ensure that our business is appropriately diversified, touching base with customers who may be struggling, and refining our metrics from quarterly to monthly. As a business, we’ve found that quarterly and annual goals seem too far-fetched at this point. Our focus needs to be on the day-to-day productivity to ensure our business is viable.

We look forward to returning to work. Our mission is to change lives and transforming teams by providing innovative solutions. We look forward to being part of the solution to get Americans and companies back to work.

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ICAP is excited to offer a NEW Candidate Referral Bonus Program beginning in 2024!
A $1000 bonus will be paid to anyone who refers a candidate who is subsequently placed via Intellectual Capitol. Alternatively, in lieu of the bonus paid to you, ICAP can contribute $1,000 to a charity of your choice. 
Want to learn more? Or have someone in mind to refer for an open position?

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